Legal IT Services

Solutions that empower your firm with greater productivity, profitability, and client satisfaction

ERGOS knows that secure communications, immediate access to data, and the ability to work while on the move are key in today’s dynamic legal environment. Your firm is entrusted with large amounts of confidential data daily, and you need reliable IT systems to manage it and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

We provide all the legal computer support and services your law firm needs to operate efficiently daily. Our technicians do more than fix your technology when it breaks — they provide comprehensive IT support that includes system management, data security, and 24/7 monitoring to keep your IT environment optimized for peak performance.

We understand your challenges

  • NMaximizing uptime
  • NWorking remotely
  • NProtecting sensitive data
  • NReducing costs
  • NAchieve and maintain industry compliance

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Our solutions for legal firms

Cloud Services

Whether you need a data backup strategy, disaster recovery plan, or staff that can work from anywhere, our cloud specialists can help

Network Security

We deploy end-to-end protection to safeguard your network from cyberattacks and encrypt all data to keep it safe from breaches and identity theft

Help Desk Support

Day or night, our responsive technology support team is available to answer your questions and resolve any issues you may have

Legal Computer Support And Services FAQS

What is a legal technology consultant?
A legal technology consultant is a professional who specializes in helping businesses in the legal industry make use of technology in order to streamline their workflows and operations. This can include anything from providing IT support and troubleshooting to developing custom software or automating manual processes.

Legal technology consultants are often experts in specific areas of law, such as intellectual property or contract law, and they use their knowledge to advise clients on how best to incorporate technology into their legal practice.

In many cases, legal technology consultants also act as trainers and educators, teaching lawyers how to use new software or tools, or how to optimize their workflows for maximum efficiency.

What is legal assistance software?

There are a number of different types of legal assistance software on the market. Some of the most common types are listed below.

Legal Research Software
Legal research software is designed to help lawyers research and analyze cases faster and more efficiently. It can include features such as searchable databases of case law and statutes, outlining and memo-writing tools, and citation management capabilities.

Legal Billing Software
Legal billing software helps lawyers keep track of their time and expenses, making it easier to bill clients accurately for services rendered. It can typically generate detailed invoices and track payments received, as well as keep a record of all billable activities.

Document Assembly Software
Document assembly software allows lawyers to create custom legal documents quickly and easily, without having to type them out from scratch every time. It often comes with templates for a variety of legal documents as well as built-in logic that automates the document-creation process.

What are the different types of legal technology?
Types of legal technology can be generally broken down into six categories: legal research software, legal billing software, document assembly software, case management software, e-discovery software, and legal knowledge management software.
How big is the legal tech market?
The legal tech market is estimated to be worth around $4 billion as of 2019. This includes revenue from both software and services, and it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.6% from 2019 to 2025.