MX Logic to Launch New Perimeter Email Defense Package

Published by: MXLogic

In early March 2008, MX Logic will expand the MX Logic® Email Defense Service with the addition of a new package, MX Perimeter IP DefenseSM. The new service package will protect against inbound spam, worms and viruses being distributed from known high-volume spam sources, which often account for more than 50% of all spam traffic. 

MX Perimeter IP Defense is an ideal first-line of defense for enterprise-sized businesses – particularly those looking to reduce the load on their existing on-premises anti-spam solution. Customers will benefit from drastically reduced bandwidth, storage and power consumption and will be able to deploy the solution immediately without additional hardware requirements, further extending the life of their existing email security appliance.

MX Perimeter IP Defense also provides MX Logic partners with an excellent platform for future sales of additional managed services.

MX Perimeter IP Defense works as follows:

  • After redirecting a customer’s mail exchange (MX) record to MX Logic, all inbound messages will be compared against an extensive Threat database of known spammer IP addresses. This Threat database is compiled and continually updated by the MX Logic® Threat Center, based on a 24×7 analysis of worldwide email traffic and third-party real-time blackhole lists (RBLs). 
  • Messages will also be filtered through our proprietary WormTraq® worm and virus detection engine, which rapidly identifies and intercepts zero-hour mass mailing worms and viruses before they can enter a corporate network.
  • By pointing a customer’s MX record to MX Logic, the business can conceal its Internet-facing mail servers and remove the threat of anonymous connections, protecting the customer from Directory Harvest Attacks (DHAs), Denial of Service (DoS) and attachment .zip bombs (messages that contain heavily-compressed or nested .zip files).
  • If a message includes a sending IP address found in the MX Logic Threat database or is found to contain a virus or worm, delivery will be denied and the connection will be immediately dropped prior to the message entering the customer’s network.

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