Directory of White Papers
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Data Backup and Disaster Recovery for Business
There’s nothing as sickening to a business owner as experiencing a loss of data and discovering that an adequate backup and restoration plan wasn’t in place. Proper data protection, backup and disaster recovery are crucial for any business.

Managed Services
Just about any IT-related activity qualifies as a potential managed service. These include, but are not limited to: Data Backup and Recovery, Network Management, Software Support and Maintenance, Hardware Maintenance and Support, & Security.

Professional IT Services for Businesses of All Sizes
While there is no hard and fast definition, in the IT world, professional services typically cover such tasks as structured cabling, customized network design and the upgrading of network infrastructure.

The Benefits of Office 365
Office 365 is a scalable solution with easy administration and cost savings. Businesses experience many advantages when they begin using Microsoft’s cloud platform and the benefits are experienced from the moment you start using it.

What to Do After Windows Server 2003 Ends
Microsoft is officially ended support for Windows Server 2003 on July 14, 2015. Companies are not without options when facing the end of support for Windows Server 2003, but any decision about what to do going forward requires careful planning and setting realistic expectations.