Why you need the Cloud to move from Information to Insight?

Enterprises are undergoing a transformation in how they interpret Data—what was once silos of information is now being questioned for its relevance. The emphasis is on ‘INSIGHT’—using the data to understand cause and effect of specific business situations. This is about extracting not just relevant but employable information from customer and organizational data, i.e. making Data more responsible for growth of business. Senior managers are no longer happy with typical corporate presentation with descriptive statistics. They need simple numbers and calculations that help them analyze and find remedies. What enterprises actually want is data in an effective avatar, i.e. data that validates their initiatives or forecasts market trends or resolves apprehensions of consumers. This shift from information to insight is easily achievable if you are on the Cloud!

Digging Deeper into this Data-centric Shift in Perceptions

The real problem arises when enterprises are ready to spend big on adopting technologies that makes data more result oriented but they get complex, packaged solutions that need additional costs and effort to manage. There are way too many cloud consulting organizations firms today promising dramatic results with detailed analytics. What eventually happens is that decision-makers are burdened with unwarranted statistics, without getting a clear picture about the fundamentals—emerging or problematic business situations and remedies.

Explaining Insightful Data Better

All efforts to ‘future proof’ your firm might go in vain if you lack the correct business insight. Although business managers press hard to reduce uncertainties and obtain the perfect financial analysis, they often miss the mark—a situation that translates into growing financial reimbursements or strategic missteps. This is the reason why the term ‘insight’ is resonating with all businesses today.

Achieving Insightful Data via the Cloud

The next step is investing in an IT setup where data is more insightful, automated, and driven to perform rather than just be a part of date warehousing facilities. It is a known fact that businesses are immersed in data and loads of it keeps coming their way. Wading through this huge mass of data to obtain significant insights is a daunting task—but you have the CLOUD to your rescue!

Your organization might have invested millions in data warehouses/data centers but interpreting this data is where the inadequacies surface. This is where you need a cloud management specialist, folks with expertise in not only migrating to the cloud but working in the cloud ecosystem for maximum ROI. Cloud paves the way to a more structured, scientific approach to Data Analysis. It yields business intelligence that can help you realign your workflow frameworks for instant and long-term gains.

Why companies struggle in breeding “true” Enterprise Insights?

Today, Business Intelligence needs to be more collaborative to leverage fact-based insights. This is the global trend where even SMEs are realizing that recognizing potential opportunities and delivering better outcomes and faster-to-market practices are more feasible with cloud-enabled data management.

To understand why we make this statement, let us give you an overview about challenges to gain business insight:

Globalization of businesses coupled with disjointed decision processes and internal cultures that are averse to change hamper enterprise agility, not allowing significant business insights to surface.

The solution — migrating to the cloud ensures that the organization can handle diverse reporting and analytics standards more effectively. This is the result of data becoming more organized, readily accessible and increasingly secure. Whilst most analytical systems reflect an internal perspective regarding corporate wisdom, a better approach is to target intelligence that can yield reliable outcomes.

The way we do it — as holistic Cloud Solutions Provider, we are always observing current, trending, and emerging marketplace business scenarios. We are obsessive about analytical data that becomes easier to process on the cloud. Rather than short-term fixes, we put-in sustainable mechanisms that solve existing issues and prevent future mishaps.

How “Insightful Shift” is Made Smoother by Being on the Cloud?

Insightful Information

Even if you recognize the need for transformation, changes will require more than technology—CLOUD can help you generate accurate reports based on company-wide data within the desired timeframes. From accounting & finance to purchasing & information, inventory, distribution, sales & customer management and reporting & administration, you can obtain valuable insights by effectively streamlining data on the cloud.

Traditional on-premise software requires large-scale capital investment and ongoing IT maintenance costs which can be easily eliminated by functioning on the cloud whilst eradicating duplicate data entries, delays and errors. Many cloud service providers offer software that helps you store and manage information as a service, ensuring increased visibility and faster response.

Let us Quickly Glance at Why Employing a Cloud Solutions Provider for Business Insight Makes Sense:

  • Improving basic insights by streamlining operations
  • A cloud-based solution can help you reduce capital investment and minimize IT overhead
  • Assurance of all-inclusive and integrated functionality
  • An enterprise can obtain automatic updates regarding business intelligence for paybacks from ongoing innovations
  • Any new functionality can be deployed quickly and the existing ones can be extended with ease
  • Improved business agility owing to a quick response to new opportunities
  • Guarantee of complete data security

Addressing Business Intelligence in Real Time Scenarios

The greatest challenges in addressing Business Intelligence (BI) arise due to on-premise software and foundation layers of data warehousing.  Several researches suggest that if managers are given the right data without substantial lags, generating relevant insights is easy to amplify. Cloud-enabled IT infrastructure permits more business value by leveraging data through its full strategic lifecycle, relieving you from the stress of acquiring and storing information. By treating data as an asset in your cloud-fueled infrastructure, you can ensure accelerated decision-making and create greater value from BI. Only half the battle is won even if the enterprise has timely access to relevant data as much of the success depends upon leveraging robust analytics to reduce business risk and know exactly what the potential opportunities are.

Shifting Data to Insight has Financial Implications Too!

Critical financial activities like source-to-settle, order-to-cash and others are deeply impacted by how you choose to manage Data Analytics. Even companies organized around federated business models can benefit by integrating cloud with Big Data to drive decisions as your cloud partner will work below the visible waterline for guaranteeing operational BI.

Actionable Data

Business scenarios, emerging and existing, are increasingly getting data driven. However, creating business value from silos of data is the key to success. To make data insightful, more contributable towards quantifiable outcomes, Cloud-enabled analytics comes across as the most practical and cost-effective remedy. From future proofing to scalability, cloud-fueled data introspection helps organizations discover new landscapes without compromising their existing workflows.

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