Financial IT Services

Your clients are looking for a trustworthy partner, ERGOS can help you earn their confidence

Financial services firms face a growing list of technology challenges, from hackers that threaten to steal sensitive data, to complex compliance standards that drain company resources. But most finance firms don’t have the expertise to build and manage their own IT solutions, so they rely on a technology partner to ease their burden.

ERGOS specializes in tailoring IT solutions that address the specific needs and problems of financial services firms. Our help desk team provides round-the-clock support and our expert consultants excel at planning and implementing strategic solutions to help increase your firm’s productivity and security.

We understand your challenges

  • NMeeting regulatory standards and compliance
  • NProtecting client data
  • NImproving customer experience
  • NDelivering fast services

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Our solutions for financial firms

Data Backup

We regularly back up your data and ensure everything is recoverable in the event of a disaster

Comprehensive Analytics

We provide a detailed performance analysis of your IT, giving you full visibility over your network and applications

Advanced Security

We keep your systems up to date and install the latest anti-malware programs to prevent data breaches

Frequently Asked Questions

How does information technology help finance?

Information technology (IT) is used extensively in the financial industry. IT solutions help financial institutions and firms by providing efficiencies and security in areas such as transactions, data management, risk management, and customer service. Additionally, IT can help improve decision-making through advanced analytics and reporting.

Many financial institutions have turned to outsource their IT needs to specialized managed service providers. This allows these organizations to take advantage of the latest technology while also freeing up internal IT staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Some of the primary benefits of using IT solutions in finance include:

  • Increased efficiency and security in transactions
  • Improved data management and analytics
  • Enhanced risk management capabilities
  • Greater customer service and support
What are some common IT problems in finance?

There are a number of common IT challenges faced by financial institutions, including:

  • Ensuring the security of data and systems
  • Protecting against cyber attacks
  • Managing large amounts of data
  • Automating processes
  • Improving communication and collaboration
  • Complying with regulations.
What technology systems are used in finance?

There are a number of different technology systems used in finance, including

  • Transaction processing systems – These systems process and record financial transactions.
  • Accounting and bookkeeping systems – These systems manage financial data and produce financial reports.
  • Risk management systems – These systems help identify, assess and manage risks.
  • Compliance management systems – These systems help ensure that financial institutions comply with regulations.
  • Trading platforms – These platforms enable market participants to buy and sell financial instruments.
  • Payment systems – Used to facilitate the transfer of funds between market participants.
  • Financial accounting systems – Used to produce financial reports.